How To Stop Water From Seeping Up Through The Concrete Floor?


Concrete Floor

It could be not good for your home or business if water gets through a concrete floor. This problem is more likely to happen in basements and ground floors because water can easily get through the weak concrete. The following method will help you keep water from rising through your concrete floor.

Find Out Where The Water Comes From.

First, figure out where the water is coming in. It could be because of a plumbing leak, rising groundwater, or bad building draining. Check your area often, especially after it rains a lot, to see if there are any water pools around your base. Figure out the cause so you can pick the right answer.

Improve The Drainage In The Foundation Area.

If the ground doesn't drain well, water can pool near the base. Putting up gutters, downspouts, and the right kind of grading can help move water away from the house. Soil should slope away from the base of the building so that water doesn't pool and seep into the floor.

Cover The Concrete With A Coat To Protect It.

A waterproof concrete coating is a good way to keep water damage from happening. After being put on concrete, sealers create a barrier that keeps water from getting through. This is a cheap choice for small water seepage issues.

Set Up A Sump Pump.

If you have a lot of problems with water seeping through, you should install a sump pump. If water builds up under the base of a house, a sump pump will remove it and send it to a drainage system. This is the best choice for homes in areas that are likely to flood.

Set Up A Vapor Barrier.

Putting a vapor shield under the concrete slab stops water from getting through. This method will save you money in the long run, but it needs to be installed by a professional.

Homes can be badly damaged by water getting through concrete floors, but these steps will help you avoid that.


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